Industry Axis
Needham DBS Presents at JOCO Contractors Licensing Seminar
Karen Hand, P.E. gave a 2 Hour Presentation titled “Tips for Successful, Profitable and Safe Projects...From the Desk to the Field” at the Johnson County Contractors Licensing Seminar. The seminar was held at the Overland Park Convention Center on October 24, 2016. The seminars are held twice each year. Contractors are required to take coursework to maintain their contractor licenses in Johnson Country. The presentation was sponsored by CPG, Concrete Promotional Group.
Abstract: As a structural engineer I have noticed a concerning decline in quality of design and construction documents. The purpose of the presentation is to address areas of concern and bring those to light so that you can plan for more successful projects. Thinking big picture in addition to narrowing in on details can allow you to view projects differently.